A busy summer and autumn at Orange Coconut
Monday 3 October 2011 at 12:13 by
Our blog has been a little quiet of late.
It’s because we have all been very busy, we have even survived a trip to Amsterdam for IBC, although we did come back with the ‘IBC Cold’.
Nick was helping John Barrowman with his Saturday nights and is currently editing an Eastenders Musical Extravaganza.
Tony has been unwell, but is back at the OC luxury premises in full health.
Ben has been very busy sorting supplies of tape stock and Gary has had an Epic Win, has scared himself with 3D Dinosaur Planet and is busy with some short films for the BBC HD channel.
Talking of the BBC’s HD Channel we would like to wish Danielle Nagler (ex-head of BBC HD and 3D) all the best with her new career.
The one last project we have on the go is installing our new copyshop, archiving and digitising station.
Why not ask us to quote for your work?